Sweethearts Dinner

Married? Engaged? Dating? Someone special in your life?

Then join us for our annual Valentine's day celebration!

Friday, February 14, 6:30p.m.

$20.oo per couple

Buffet Menu

Tossed salad w/dressing

Spaghetti and meatballs

Beverage / Dessert

(gluten/dairy free option will be available)

Fill out the form below to register

If you choose one of the positions listed below, please select a shirt size.  All other positions will be in themed clothing.
1. Small group crew leader director
2. Small group crew leader
3. Small group crew assistant

directions to pay online

Follow the directions below to make payment online:
Once the "Give" page loads, enter $20.00 for the amount
Click the "Select Fund" drop down menu
Choose "Sweethearts Dinner" near the bottom of the list
Click "Continue to Give" and enter your information
Click "Continue to Give", click "Continue to Give"
Click "New Payment Method" and complete transaction